Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's a race

"There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." Helen Keller

This quote reminds me that anyone may shine light to others.    One of the most powerful teachings during my initial (and intensive!) yoga training was that an important role we have is to elevate others.    There is enough stuff around us –whether it’s the news, family issues, health challenges, relationships that are not working, etc., etc. – that have the potential to deflate us on a daily basis.  

We cannot control the outcome of anything that happens in the external world but the good news is that we can definitely have quite a bit of control and mastery on how we feel.  Particularly when I am working towards a goal and nothing seems to be moving forward – although I know that as long as I am being proactive the energy is moving in the direction I want – I find ways to keep my spirits up.

Lately I am focused on two goals:  to get in great shape physically and to find the ideal job.  Both goals require relentless focus and discipline.  The first goal is easier to achieve because it has two simple layers:  go to the gym and do the work (treadmill, elliptical and strength training) and eat healthy food.  The second goal is more challenging because it has many layers: being inspired, getting new ideas by reading and watching key TV programming (I watch Charlie Rose whenever I can), talking to various people whether they are friends or senior executives in companies I am interested in (I have to work more on this layer!), talking to headhunters (making progress on this!), reviewing social networking sites, etc., etc. The layers constantly change because the information around me is incessantly morphing.  These two goals go together because I cannot show up for my ideal job with boundless energy if I am not physically fit.

Some of my friends are available during the day but I have established the discipline that I am working during the day on achieving my two goals – that’s my full-time day job.  Which is why I am leaving seeing friends and the writing of this blog for late afternoon or evening.  There are countless other distractions I fight to conquer on a daily basis but lately I am winning over the temptations and on the right track.

I am also considering consulting (paid and pro-bono) where it makes sense – where there may be the opportunity to help others and keep my skills fresh.  Which is why I am helping a friend redo her resume this week. I also helped a neighbor think through some high-level ideas for his business recently which I believe was helpful for him as well as for me.  Something that gives me pleasure is to think of new ideas in any context and business is an exciting area for me because it has a tremendous impact on people's lives and society at large.  I am open to other consulting opportunities assuming I will still have time to focus on the two goals I mentioned.

Being inspired, focused, fit and energized.  Only way I will get to the finish line.

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