Saturday, October 8, 2011

Angels in our midst...

Angels from "The Coronation" by Alessandro Botticelli

There are angels around us all the time.  Not only those from the angelic realm, archangels and other angels that help us along, but those angels that are with us in this lifetime whether they are still alive or not.  They could be friends, family members or perfect strangers.  They lend a hand when we are in despair, they smile at us when we are sad, they say the perfect words to give us hope when we need to hear those words.

If we open our heart to those in the angelic realm or in heaven and ask for their help - that is all they need, permission from us - they will come and help us.  In this transformation I am going through, I have asked for their help once again - I believe strongly they are with me even now as I write about them. In literature, I learned they are the messengers from God.  In Greek, "angelos" means messenger.  I know they also carry our messages to God - any God or Higher Power you may believe in.

Sometimes these angels act through other angels that are around us during our lifetime. They appear as friends, members of our family or strangers.   One of my dearest friends lights a candle for me in a faraway city each time I have an interview.  An old colleague of mine, a senior executive in a blue chip company, supports me consistently in my job search with both words and actions.  A friend that was unable to help me professionally all of a sudden offered me her home at the last possible minute.  The mover gave me a big price break and did an amazing job with the move, treating each of my belongings with thought and care.  Those are a few of many examples of angels that have come my way lately. They keep on appearing.

I am always moved to tears when I encounter one of them, their power is so strong that I recognize immediately what is happening.  I am also not quite sure why I even deserve such attention and help.  It is inspiring.  It motivates me to be a better person, more conscious, kinder to others.  I know I can do that through my daily interactions with everybody and through my work - I know I'll do it once again through my work.  Change the world.  Sounds ambitious.

We all have the ability and the power to change the world.  I am not driven by ego nor ambition but I am driven to change the world because I know that is why I am here.  Even if it is one person at a time.  Even with all my faults and limitations.  That is why I am here.  (I started writing about this from a philosophical standpoint in my post, Purpose and Meaning on February 17th, 2011).

Thank you, beautiful angels...stay with me.  My heart is yours.  Always.