Monday, February 7, 2011

Going with the flow...

It's hard to go with the flow.  Today was a perfect example of that.  I had an important appointment  with a surgeon to get a second opinion for minor surgery that I would like to avoid altogether.   Who has time for minor surgery?  I made the appointment about 5 weeks ago and though I tried I couldn't move it up - I would have wanted to have the appointment earlier than today.  I had to take the train to his office in Great Neck from Manhattan and checked the train schedule a couple of times over the week-end to make sure I made it on time.

I woke up a little earlier than usual, meditated, had breakfast and left with plenty of time to make the 9:19 a.m. train to Great Neck.  I arrive at Penn Station and check the large board above the ticket agents and I see that the time of departure to Great Neck is 9:49 a.m.  I don't believe it so I wait on line until I can ask the ticket agent about the details of the trip after buying my ticket and she asks me to go to the left to another booth where there is a long line of people trying to get information.  Grand Central Station is light years ahead in operational efficiency since all ticket agents have all the information passengers need in addition to having an information booth.

Unfortunately the information booth agent confirms that the train leaves at 9:49 a.m. which means I would arrive 40 minutes late to this appointment.  I find it hard to believe but it's a fact.  It's too late to rent a car and a taxi is out of the question.  I call the doctor's office to reschedule and the assistant tells me that there have been random changes to the train schedule due to all the winter storm problems and I reschedule my appointment for next week.  I feel lucky I don't have to wait several weeks again!

This change of plans left me unfocused, I didn't know where to direct my energy for the rest of the morning.  I had the day planned around this trip to Long Island and all of a sudden everything changed.  There are good changes, bad changes and seemingly inconsequential changes like not being able to make it to a meeting.   However, not making the train as planned took me off balance because I have been very focused on it for weeks!

There are people that have issues with traffic as they are headed to the airport and end up not making flights that either crash or have mechanical issues and don't leave for hours.  Or in other cases,  by someone missing their flight they end up meeting the man or woman of their dreams.  I haven't heard any news about trains not making it to Great Neck nor have I met the man of my dreams as a result of not making this train.

I ended up confirming that I looked up the train schedule incorrectly.  When I checked the train schedule on-line, I checked it on a Saturday and then on a Sunday without realizing I had to request to view schedule on a week-day!  Since I like to find hidden messages - or at least some kind of explanation - I concluded I probably didn't really want to go to the appointment.  The other thought that crossed my mind that maybe the doctor was having a bad day today and he will be more focused next time.

Sounds complicated?  It is! It's very hard to know which forces were at play today...maybe the mishap may just be easily explained by my own inefficiency at looking up the schedule without any hidden forces at play.

It is challenging to direct our energy effectively into anything and once we do, we may not even want what we have been focusing on after all.  While I may not want to get the need for the surgery confirmed, I will be headed to Great Neck again next week and I will make it to the right train.  And hopefully, the doctor will be very focused.

Tomorrow I get back on track, refocusing my energy on the job hunt as today ended up being a distracting day.  At least I have the train ticket already!


  1. Hi again. Really enjoying your blog, and I was thinking as I read yep this girl does NOT want to go to that appointment!! Maybe it seems trivial, but this is the exact nature of the power of intention - given the quantum nature of reality, that everything is consciousness, reality responds to our state of being, our feeling tone, our mindset. I am REALLY struggling with this one myself at the moment!

  2. Thanks! Not trivial at all, the power of intention is very powerful. Only way I can think of moving through a mindset that resists something is meditation. Maybe then there is more clarity and awareness to get to where we want to get to and sometimes just need to get to - like this appointment :).
