Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I am being guided every day although I'm not always conscious about it.  Whether it is expressed in a physical way  (see my post on The Ring) or whether it's a thought, I make an effort to pay attention to what is going on inside of me and around me.

I believe we all have spirit guides or guardian angels or whatever we may want to call them. They are always around us to help.  I usually start the day asking for help.  Yesterday I was asking for help in keeping positive.  Why think the worst about a given situation when you can imagine the best?  It takes a lot of discipline but it may be accomplished.  That's how athletes get to the finish line, they are not thinking "I won't make it, I won't make it because it's raining today or I won't make it because I didn't wear my lucky hat", they are thinking and envisioning how they will get to the finish line.  How to get there first. There is no other option.

That's where the race to win begins in life.  With our thoughts.  They must be focused. They must be positive.  They must be big.  We hold greatness within us, we must only think of big possibilities for ourselves.  Finishing first is possible for all of us.  And, it's not about thinking that finishing first is about beating everyone else.  It's more about finishing first against all the imaginary obstacles we use as excuses not to get to what we want to achieve.  It is a race against ourselves and where we choose to  give our all to the the aspect within us that knows there are no limitations.  We have the power.  If we believe it we can do it.  There is nothing we can't do if we really want it.

It requires a lot of discipline.  Most of all, it requires having laser-like focus and knowing we will get there.

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