Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Alien Girl

Am I from another planet?  Sometimes I think so.  I surely don’t share some of the values that seem to be prevalent around me so I feel I don’t belong here.  I’ve written about feeling like this before.

I was told by one of my amazing spiritual teachers that indeed I’m from another planet.  Aren’t we all?  He is an expert at face reading and he couldn’t find marks of my past on my face; he said that was very unusual.  He said I had a mission to complete here and that’s why I was here.  He also said that the sadness in my eyes is because I want to go back.  It wasn’t clear where I would go back.  My mission is being achieved, I’m wondering when play time starts.  That would be only fair, accomplishing the mission and being able to play as well.  I’m more than ready for that.

I don’t think that consistently working on the “mission” is all I’m supposed to do.  I also want to enjoy this planet and understand it more although it’s not easy!  I mostly don’t understand it.

A psychic told me once that I came from Sirius B.  This was in a yoga class.  Hard to know if that’s true or not.  It makes me feel good that I may from Sirius B although I take this information with a glacier of salt (modified American expression which is to take something with a "grain of salt" which is when one doesn't fully believe it).  This planet is a different place from what I talked in my earlier post (Pink Elephants, February 24th) which I know is my original home and where souls gather before being assigned to a given planet.  Let’s say my original home is not a planet, it exists in the ethers…it’s more like what I imagine heaven to be.

It’s confusing.  I have so many homes.  I am fortunate.  I have family comprised mostly of kindred spirits in at least 9 cities around the world.  When I spoke to another one of my spiritual teachers about it because I was concerned about being far away from people I love, she said that I existed beyond time and place.  How cool is that?  The moment she said that my concern was transformed to being proud of being beyond time and place.   This is a clear demonstration of the power of words and thought, a subject I will explore further in a future post.

I do want to clarify I am not psychotic.  I am quite sane.  What I write in my blog is the truest representation of my soul.  Otherwise, why bother?  It’s honest and that is why it may sound foreign to some people.

One thing I know, it's much colder in New York than in Syrius B!


  1. Oh my god don't even try and justify it girl! This kind of knowledge is precious, and of course the profane, if I may use the word, will laugh and scoff. But as you know, in truth deep down everyone feels the same way.

    Look up some Doreen Virtue, she talks about the different qualities of Star People, mermaids and mermen and lots more. We all come from the stars, and as you say its on the ethereal planes, not this coarse physical plane.

    I know I keep bothering you but I just want to affirm what you're saying as I feel its very important. My partner comes from Sirius, and I feel some connection to that as well.

  2. You are not bothering me, affirmations are helpful! It's a way of connecting...I am a business person so I know what I write about falls outside of that world completely. I know I am supposed to be in the business world for a reason, it allows me to make a greater impact and hopefully can share something with others. Thank you!
