Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Invincibility of Spirit

I have been pondering on how the physical tsunami in Japan reminds me of my own personal tsunamis.   The physical reality of it has made me realize of the parallels that exist between them.  Symbolically, they are the same.   There are external forces that greatly impact our lives, sometimes they seem to destroy our lives and leave us bare naked emotionally, physically and psychologically.   Very vulnerable.  Assuming we survive the physical onslaught, our spirits are invincible if we choose that road.  We are able to overcome anything and move forward with renewed strength and faith.

As I review my personal tsunamis and how I was transformed by them, I am a much stronger person than who I was and I am certainly wiser.  Those nuggets in themselves are valuable things to learn but the greater gift has been understanding the world in a different way and the desire to share that knowledge  to help others.  The desire to help others was there to begin with as I grew up in a culture of giving and serving others but the difference now is that I know much more and am very aware of it.  Consciously knowing when I may be helpful to others and actually give something of myself is part of who I am.

Helping others is the great motivator in life...whether it's within the family nucleus or outside of it, focusing on how to assist people that need it gives both meaning and motivation to me.  Otherwise, it's so easy to focus on the past, on the tsunamis, on the devastation, on the pain...We have a choice on what to focus on and what thoughts may enter the gate of happiness.  What we let enter our minds through this gate is what either enhances our contentment and well being or what begins to erode and eat away at what we are trying to build for ourselves.

Personal tsunamis are helpful to keep in mind when assisting other people get through their own devastating experiences.  When their experiences are not as extreme as mine, my seemingly crippling experiences help me put everything in perspective for them and for myself.  What is interesting is that I know I am just the conduit to help them see the answers within themselves.  We all know everything already.  We have the answers.  And, somehow,  our spirit will get us through if we decide to take that path.  Not just to get us through but to allow us to be able to feel elation and enthusiasm once again for our lives. To believe.

I have some tools to help me with life in general and with specific crises as they arise.  I am sharing a  meditation that works.  If you are not used to meditating, start with 5 minutes and build up to 11 minutes:


This is a very simple and ancient meditation to resolve conflict in us. If you do it, you'll enjoy it. Just see what changes you go through. Just supervise yourself.

The moment the body knows the breath is out, it starts adjusting at the highest rate of efficiency. The theory is that when the breath is out and the prana is not there, the pranic body starts penetrating through the other bodies to create the combination. The "computer" must figure out how to allow you and your cells, which need x amount of oxygen, to survive.

If you have a most grave situation to handle, 5 minutes of this will help.

How to Do It:
Sit with the legs crossed. Press the hands on the breasts, palms in, fingers pointing toward each other. The hands are relaxed with the fingers extended and joined. This is a comfortable position with very little pressure and no tension in the arms and hands.

Close the eyes 9/10 of the way. Deeply inhale for 5 seconds. Completely exhale for 5 seconds, and hold the breath out for 15 seconds (count in your head).

Begin with 11 minutes and slowly build to 31 minutes.


Most importantly, meditation or not, we all have the power to draw from our limitless, infinite, and very powerful souls at any time.  Each one of us has all the power we wish we had.     

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