Friday, March 18, 2011


Only path I am taking now is being in the light and reflecting as much light as I can hold...that's my commitment to myself.  Focusing on fear would only extinguish that light so it's not an option.  

I am reminded of one of my most favorite quotes by Edith Wharton:  
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

One single candle flame or even the light from a matchstick creates light no matter how much darkness there is.  And since we create the world around us with our thoughts, hearts, and spirits, I am working  on focusing just on the light.   That is the way I know I can be strong for myself and for others and that is how the tidal wave of change for the good happens in our world.  I have changed from within to change what's outside of me.  There is nothing as powerful as that thought. No matter the outcome, my perception of my world will automatically adjust to how I think of it.  That's the golden nugget. 

It's not easy.  What's easy is to fall prey to insecurities, to fear, to uncertainty.  Having a choice, focusing on the light seems like a much easier path.  I can certainly derive a lot more pleasure from it.  That's usually where I reside - in the light - but lately it's been hard to keep the course, keep the faith.  I'm back!  

I am sending all my love to those in pain and in fear so that they can feel hope and know that this too shall pass and that there is hope and light in the midst of all that darkness.  And, most of all, that they can get through it all and still anticipate wonderful and miraculous things in life.  


  1. Thank you so much for the motivation, this last part you wrote I will have to remind myself of constantly. We not only come out of every situation much stronger and wiser but wonderful things still await! Thank you so much!

  2. Thank you for your comment! I am glad it motivated you. Please don't ever forget it, it's true! There are always great things about to happen in our lives if we just get out of the shadows and believe it's possible...
