Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"Know Thyself",  Socrates

This post may seem culinary in nature but it isn't.  It's about what we need to consider when we "bake" something - let's say a cake - so that once we take it out of the oven, it's ready!  We must include the right ingredients, we must let it in the oven at a certain temperature and then make sure we take it out at a pre-determined amount of time.   If we forget the flour, or we put it in at half the time or at too high a temperature, whatever comes out will not be of the same quality had we considered all the key elements.

I'm not talking about the fine art of "patisserie".  I am talking about respecting the "process" in our lives.  That is a much more delicate topic and one that is constantly on my mind.  It is very important to respect the process that must take place in our lives.  Since all that happens has a spiritual component, it's helpful to pay attention to what is going on around us to understand whether we are not ready for the change we believe we should create or whether we are just being self-destructive and delaying something that is actually going to be very good for us.  The  most important component is to be conscious of what we are doing, what is our inaction or forced action telling us?  Sometimes we get impatient and take actions which also don't work.

I don't have it all figured out.  However, I know when I'm not quite ready or something in me is deterring me from being ready.  Deep inside me it frustrates me sometimes not to be ready for what I want to change.  That is because I am a driver of change in my work so driving for change in my life seems to be something I should be able to do.  But there is no "should" in this equation.  It's all about being conscious and working on ourselves.  Then one day we will wake up and we will know what are the decisions we must take and stick to for our well being.

I help myself through meditations.  Those are my tools to accelerate change within myself or at a minimum assimilate my experiences in a constructive way.  They also help me accept the baking process so that when I finally take that cake out of the oven, it is delicious and I can savor every single bite.

As in the picture, a better me emerges then...

Following are a couple of meditations.  If so inspired, you may pick the 3 minute meditation or the 11 meditation to become more aware.  The 11 minute meditation may be shortened to 3 or 5 minutes to start with and then you may  build up to 11 minutes as time goes on.  It is recommended that you meditate for at least 40 days in a row to feel the difference in yourself.  You may then continue if you want and make it part of your daily life.

I) To make you aware and to stimulate the brain

Sit in easy pose and place the hands behind the neck, interlocking the fingers.
Begin chanting “Har” from the navel point, pulling the elbows forward each time “Har” is chanted.        3 Minutes

This exercise stimulates the feeling of the the brain and makes you able to speak so people can hear you.

II) To become more aware
Sit in easy pose and bring the hands up in front of the body.
Cup the hands slightly and then begin clapping them together, one hand grasping the other.
Form the mouth into an “O” and exhale the moment your hands clap.  
11 Minutes

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