Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Artwork by Salvador Dali

Whether it's because Uranus is in Aries after several years and when that happened the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, or whether on the day of a rare full moon Libya was attacked, much is shifting inside and around us.   Multiple scientific reports state that the axis of the earth shifted by almost 7 inches as a result of what happened in Japan so the rotation of the earth has been affected as well as Japan's physical position.

On the other hand, astrologers are mostly saying that there is a major shift going on in the world starting with Uranus being in Aries for the next seven years which is either causing devastation in the form of natural disasters or in the form of wars between countries and between individuals.  From an individual standpoint, these astrologers are saying there is another side to it and that is the side of being the light that the world needs in times of turmoil and darkness.

There are a lot of doom and gloom predictions going around.  These should be ignored completely as they only raise unnecessary fear among people. Yes, the Mayan calendar ended in 2012 but there may be other reasons for that than the world is coming to the end at the end of next year.  Deep inside of me, I know the world will not end in 2012.  What I do believe is that aside from the geophysical reality of the earth shifting as a result of the earthquake, we are shifting inside as well.

To me, it's more of the awakening of greatness in people and in the world around us - as a state of being instead of being occasional.   However, all transformations are difficult and challenging.  They require shedding and letting go of what we used to hold dear and of value even if they had no value at all.  It's a similar to being in the cocoon, feeling very protected and cozy in a temporary reality and then growing and evolving until that cocoon doesn't serve us any more and we need to emerge from it.  In that case, the value of the cocoon was in creating the reason for change.

It's worth thinking that our collective consciousness created what is happening in front of us only in the context of what we could be doing differently.  I am part of society but rather than think in a negative way about what I helped create, I prefer to focus on how we can transform ourselves even more and how we can create a world around us that is in tune with who we are.  We are beings that are full of love and of noble ideals that sometimes get forgotten as some of the collective values are all about money and power.  That is what fear and insecurities breed, the need to feel secure through having more and more money and control over others.

If we think of power as power inside of us and it being transformational not only for ourselves but also to change the world in front of us, we will have access to infinite power.  I am thinking about that quite a bit these days because the times are compelling me to do so.  I definitely know I have limitless power, now I am thinking how to channel this power for the good of others. I don't know the answer to that yet but maybe it begins by reminding people how powerful each one of us is.  And to come from a place of love no matter the circumstances.  That is truly transformative.  

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