Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Salvador Dali, Exploding Clock

I am very conscious of time.  I like to take advantage of every waking hour.  I love to sleep too but I find there is never enough time during the day to do everything I want to do.

It's not only about doing things.  I am usually very focused on learning and thinking about what I am learning.  Having the time to just ponder about whatever the day's experiences trigger or about something I have read - that is a luxury.

The type of work I love to do requires time to let the imagination roam.  I  also need time to process messages I get by being inspired by something or maybe messages I am getting from my guardians and spiritual guides.   This is because my work is about options, it's about conceptualizing a strategic option given a certain set of circumstances or even in the absence of any specific circumstances.  It's very exciting to envision the future and it is extremely rewarding to actually see it come to fruition.

Another aspect about time is more spiritual.  I have heard that in the spiritual realm time is an illusion which is congruent with Einstein's theories. The spiritual context of time that I understand has to do with our individual timing for everything.  It's not about getting married by 25, having kids by 30 and retiring at 55-60.  I live completely outside of that construct.  In my world, it's about where my heart and my soul are taking me.  That's the clock I am mostly aware of and that guides me.

I am aware of Einstein's theory of relativity.  I will not get into the differences between special relativity or general relativity or even discuss relativity itself.  When one of Einstein's best friends died, Einstein wrote to his family: "...for us physicists believe the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one."  Einstein also said, "“Time has no independent existence apart from the order of events by which we measure it.”

Today I realized I didn't contact a friend on time to make proper plans for tonight and in the end our schedules didn't mesh and we will not be able to meet.  We could have possibly met had I written with my schedule as I said I would do.   Maybe I already knew a few days ago we wouldn't meet.  Complicated?  Yes, only because I want to take it to that next level.  I propose that we already know ahead of "time" what will happen since there is no difference between past, present, and future.

This raises a lot of questions. While I try to live in the present and that is a statement of "time" what I really mean is that I try to live and make decisions with the information that I have while I am consciously thinking about it.  Clearly, I could have the intuition of what in fact will happen and listen to that (since there is no separation with the future) as well.

From a spiritual time, everything is happening as it should and when it should happen.  So letting things go to a great extent wherever possible allows us to flow with whatever is supposed to happen.  As millions of people are, I am interested in will versus destiny and I believe our lives are a combination of both.  Usually when I force my will into a situation things don't go smoothly and sometimes don't go well at all.  When I let things flow - while still setting the intention of what I want to achieve - things either work out as I envisioned or don't work out at all.  When it doesn't work out, I am grateful because to me that is a sign it wouldn't have been good for me at all.

Did I say it was complicated?  

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