Thursday, March 17, 2011


Despite the havoc that nature constantly creates around us in the form of earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc., being close to nature is also very healing.  Whether it's feeling the sand and ocean tide between my toes or hugging a tree to feel its power or just listening to the waves as they come in, those activities remind me of the rhythm of life and helps me feel grounded.  In New York, I can't go to the beach on a daily basis as I used to but I can watch the flock of ducks swimming in unison and the tide of the river coming into the harbor.  I can also observe how flowers start to bloom.

In the summer I sometimes go down to the harbor and lie down on the dock.  It sways with the incoming tide and it helps me to be present and flexible with whatever is happening.  I let myself go and release all control at least for an hour or two. It's a perfect way of moving with the flow of life for me.

It's easy to not be present and to worry about so many things I can't control.  Making sure I feel nature close to me on a daily basis is very important.  Seeing beauty and renewal as spring comes in is restorative particularly in light of the devastation in Japan and news about floods in Brazil.  It's inevitable not to feel pain at what is going on in other parts of the world.  As impotent as we may think we are, I believe we can always do something to help.

Sending our brothers and sisters love and prayers are very powerful things to do in addition to sending money - if one can do that as well.  Thought is extremely powerful.  Surrounding these very difficult situations with love and light is a way to help heal people that are suffering. These cities will rebuild and renew themselves with the collective strength and faith of people.  People will rebuild their lives and move forward to new experiences.  If we can envision flowers blooming after the destruction that winter brings we can also see how rebirth in all situations is possible.

Rebirth is possible within ourselves and in the external world.  All is possible.  


  1. I notice that more and more people are referring to people in other countries as their 'brothers and sisters', I think this is a very encouraging sign that many of us are waking up to the fact that we are truly all one. We may act differently from one another at times, but it's all perception. We all need the same (basic) things, we all feel and we all breathe.

  2. There are more things that unite us that separate us...we all feel fear, love, anger, happiness and other emotions that we recognize in each other. That connects and helps us share across borders in a way that is much deeper than the differences in race, culture religion, social standing, etc., which I see as artificial. When you strip down people of our artificial differences we are all the same. We are all driven by our souls, hearts and spirits. Thanks for your comment!
