Friday, August 5, 2011


Just as I finished my post on Empathy yesterday where I expressed my feelings about my brother's lack of empathy, I felt compassion for him creeping in.  That's one of the weaknesses of those of us born under the rule of the Moon.   We have, for the most part, a soft heart.

I wish that was true of others as well.  Being ruled by one's heart has its amazing benefits and its hurtful outcomes as well.  Isn't duality part of everything?  I am also a very sensitive human being, mostly everything around me affects me.  That is tough.  Movies, TV, books I read, people I meet, music I hear,  etc.  I have to constantly monitor what I am exposed to in order to be able to manage the amount of suffering I feel.  Which is why when encountering someone like my brother - and there are others like him - with rough edges that pierce the skin, those wounds take time to heal.

And then, despite lack of consciousness from my brother of how I may feel as a result of his stinging words,  compassion for him creeps in.  I don't think he knows any better.  He has no clue.  Which doesn't mean that his behavior is justified.  I also don't feel the responsibility to teach him.  I must always speak up to defend myself but not with the intention to change him.  Whatever compels him to be so hurtful runs very deep.  As perfect as we can be, we are also flawed human beings.  I accepted years ago one cannot change anybody.  It's like an addiction, the addict has to want and decide to change himself or herself.  The key is not to enable destructive behavior regardless of what that is.

So love and compassion win the day.  Compassion is probably the one element that gives the world a chance to be saved. The  fact that, no matter how hurtful someone else may be towards us, we are able to forgive and move forward is healing.  It's healing towards ourselves and healing towards others.  It heals the world.

I humbly claim absolutely no credit for feeling compassion.  Just as I feel pain when someone is insensitive and cruel towards me, feeling compassion is not something I am able to control.  It just sneaks in and surprises me.  Just as I feel unconditional love for him although it is my responsibility to take care of myself in the midst of his unconsciousness.  Compassion is a feeling I welcome.  It doesn't mean I'm better than anyone.  I have no idea what it means.  It is what it is.

I can guarantee it's much better than feeling resentful!

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