Sunday, August 21, 2011

Believe in Yourself


I have been working on decoding what believing in myself means.  While I know this may take a life-time, I keep working on it.

Sometimes it's easier to start to define something by determining what it doesn't mean. Believing in myself doesn't mean working hard towards a goal.  It doesn't mean waking up at a certain time and following a rigorous discipline to feel I am accomplishing something during a given day.  It also doesn't mean meeting with people and talking about where I am headed and what I want.

It is a very subtle and complex process.  After all, life is not easy.  Whatever the process is, it's probably a combination of doing and being. One has to be disciplined in doing what one needs to do to get to one's goals.   But the most important discipline of all is taking the time to "be".  And, "being" means that you take the time to enjoy the present and live the moment without fear.  It means having an unwavering belief that you can do anything.  That you can create your future the way you want to and that all you do - whatever that may be - will get you there.  It also means that you don't beat yourself up when you don't accomplish all you (or others) think you should have achieved in a day, or a week, or in 8 months.  It means making a fool of yourself when you answer the wrong question in any group game and not feel you have become stupid all of a sudden.  Or thinking that because you didn't choose a creative answer you are no longer creative as you have always been.

The question is how to maintain that belief in yourself.  Affirmations definitely help. Repeating a certain affirmation that you create and repeat on a daily basis to yourself or whenever during the day you feel the negative tape starting to run in your mind again.

As an example, I have been throwing out a lot of stuff from my apartment that serves no purpose.  Mainly, I am getting rid of papers which I kept because the past in some ways gives me comfort.  However, a lot of negative thoughts crept up as I was reading some of the documents since they brought back bad memories.  So today I am repeating,  "I am willing to forgive everyone and heal my past."  I am also repeating, "I have the power to create the life I want."  I also create affirmations at random depending on the circumstance.  It keeps the negative tape on  mute.  It's a war!  I have definitely declared war to negative thinking.

Living in the moment helps in a period of transition.  Transitions are good, particularly once the transition is over, and while one is going through them the best is to enjoy the present. That is the only thing that is certain. If you are interested on more thoughts regarding the period when you are crossing the bridge from one place to one you have never visited before, please read Transition on May 15th.

Reading some of what Louise Hay has written has helped me tremendously at times over the past few years.  She wrote several books about healing yourself ( through positive affirmations and intentions.  I first wrote about her in my post Stress, on April 28th.  I accessed her website today and the download she offers for free "Stress Free" is still available.  It helps.  I am a strong believer in using absolutely anything that helps in life.

I'm not giving up...I'd be giving up in myself and my own power.

We are able to overcome everything.  We can create a bountiful and blissful life!

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