Friday, July 8, 2011

What is Real?

I was with one of my dearest friends the other day.  I don't quite remember the overall context of our conversation but whatever it was, I felt compelled to remind her that only our feelings are real.

In the midst of so much that goes on with our lives, it is hard to find the compass to let us know in which direction we should go towards.  It is not just about what happens in our lives, it is also about what goes on around us.  And there is a lot that is going on around us right now.  Just listening to the news reminds us of the mass confusion that exists. Whether it's about jobs, about climate change, about wars, about the dire financial predictions about Greece, etc., etc.  It is endless.  And sometimes it feels that we are at the edge of something yet to happen.  It's hard to assimilate all that goes on around us.

The one thing we may trust are our feelings.  At least for the most part.  I don't want to be contradictory but  I must clarify that we may trust our feelings when we are conscious human beings that are clear and mature about who we are and what we want.  I know, it's very frustrating.  How do we know when we are clear and being mature versus following raw desire or just fear?  With all the artificiality that technology has brought on, how many times do we need to pinch ourselves and others to make sure we are having a real experience/

For me, yoga helps.  It helps to get clarity of mind and thought.  And also helps me to recognize fear from my own truth.  At least most of the time.

Sometimes the answer lies in being able to distinguish between fear and desire.  Didn't Buddha state that we must be free from both? Mostly, it's about knowing who we are and what are the forces we inherited - or should I say baggage we carry? - versus our real, true, selves that we must honor.

Ah, the magic of living.  Much to live, much to discover, many roads to travel...endless questions.  Few answers.

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