Saturday, July 23, 2011

Heartbroken II


Loss is what causes heartbreak.  Loss of so many things.  Loss of a family member, loss of a friend.  Breaking up with a boyfriend that doesn't quite get it or being dumped by someone because I don't get it...also seeing so many kids and people being killed in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Norway.  I wrote in a similar fashion when nature unleashed its force in Japan in my post Heartbroken on March 13th, 2011.

Being a lifelong traveler, I know all countries have their beauty.  Their beauty is enhanced in my eyes when I have a friend from the country itself.  I haven't had the pleasure - although it's on my list - to visit Norway yet.  My friend has told me so much about his family and his country that I feel I know its pristine beauty and its down to earth culture.  It's environmentally conscious, people are very community oriented...there are countless great things about Norway.

Regardless of the country, destruction by nature or senseless killing is very hurtful to all of us.  Whether it's what happened in Japan earlier this year, the recent bombing in Mumbai, or this latest terrorist attack in Norway, it reminds us all not only of the fragility of life but of the constant horror in front of us.  On one side of the road, a beautiful garden.  On the opposite side, an abyss.  Yes, there is constant evolution in nature, lions killing deer to eat which ultimately sustains the ecosystem. There are earthquakes that will level a city and kill most of its residents.  It's nature.  While none of that makes sense and is painful to watch, I have more trouble reconciling myself with a human being destroying others for absolutely no reason.

We may find out this person was ideologically opposed to the government and to the political nature of the camp in Norway.  Who cares?  Everyone has a right to think what they wish about their beliefs!  What no one has the right to do is to act against others because of their religious persuasion or their ideological beliefs or their gender or their sexuality.

We are all the same.  Most of us strive to be happy, to love, to receive love, to live in peace, to thrive as much as we can while we are in this planet.  I don't understand violence and destruction aimed at other human beings at all.  It is very hurtful.  It causes anguish in my heart and in the hearts of millions just to watch it.

This has happened since the beginning of time but I don't get it.  The day I get it, I will be kicked out of the Idealist Society.

Love and healing to Norway!

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