Sunday, May 15, 2011


I read somewhere that Maria Shriver asked her Twitter followers for ideas on handling a transition or something to that effect.  It's true that being in transition is a very difficult stage.  It's probably similar to being in the water while trying to reach shore after you've fallen from a boat.  The boat probably felt safe.  It's a place you knew and where you presumably felt comfortable before hitting the water.  

All of a sudden you are in the water.  It's cold, there are unknown things brushing against your legs and arms, and minutes seem like days.  You can't tell time other than looking at the sun's progress across the sky.   There are no clues that you are getting closer to the shore other than imaginary sightings of people or land in front of you.  The sun beats mercilessly against your head and your face but you must go on or else there is no hope.  So you continue swimming while you inwardly pray to be rescued because the water is as deep as when you first fell into the water.   There is no indication that it is getting shallow and you are  getting closer to the shore.

As with everything in life there is a  choice.   Letting fear in is one of them.  Swimming and then giving up in the middle due to exhaustion is definitely a possible choice.  Continuing to swim relentlessly is another choice.

The interesting thing about these choices is that the outcome is much clearer for the first two options than for the third one.  The third one definitely has more chance of good possibilities.  With the first two, it is almost certain that one will die from sheer inaction which will result in being eaten by a shark or just suffer from hypoglycemia, heat stroke or whatever other horrible things may happen when you don't do anything in the middle of open seas.

Anything is possible.  Maybe what is brushing against your legs are dolphins or harmless fish.  Maybe shore is only half a mile away and when you have been swimming for five or six hours, that is nothing!  Or what if someone was already looking for you in a helicopter and minutes away from finding you?

So for anyone in transition, keep swimming!  Define the goal first and then go for it.  Go for the possibility of success and never give up on yourself.  Let life play out.  Chances are you will achieve your goals if you keep single-minded focus and faith.

Keep up!

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