Saturday, April 14, 2012

On the Edge...

I can see the ground from up here...

I recently met an amazing human being.  It was on a plane, on one of my many trips South.  I usually don't talk to people on the plane because sometimes people are just chatty and conversations don't evolve much beyond the trivial.  And I usually have things to do, either read a book or a magazine or work.  I cherish my time on the flights to catch up on things.

So other than saying hello to the guy that was on the aisle seat we didn't exchange any other words.  I then sat in the window seat with the middle seat thankfully empty.  About 30 minutes into the flight the flight attendant offered us drinks and I ordered wine.  When it came time to pay, the guy on the aisle seat said "It's on me..." and I turned around to thank him.  From then on, the wine flowed as easily as our conversation.  It was probably one of the most profound conversations I have had with anyone in my life - and I am including conversations with close friends that I have known for years.  He told me his story and I shared mine.  His story was a story of pain and victory.

He shared he had been on the edge early in his life and all the details associated with that experience but that he was in a very good place now.  I told him I was on the edge now but not giving up and being proactive and positive as much as possible.  Being on the edge to me means that there is peril in every step because I'm not totally sure I can make it.  Despite all my energy and drive, I can see the ground clearly as I walk on the tight rope.  And the ground beckons me.  It's hard to ignore it.

My new friend and I talked about everything we could conjure up and even though I am an extremely private person, I felt I knew him forever.  It was easy to confide in him.  I was impressed with his honesty, his intelligence and the light that he shined all around him.  So we talked and drank for the rest of the trip and, I must admit, I was buzzed to say the least when I arrived at my destination.  The buzz wore off but what didn't wear off at all was the imprint that he made on my soul.  Very deep.

I was touched by this lovely and sweet soul, different from me in some ways but similar to me in so many others.  It was as if he was born in the same planet.  What a warm and cozy feeling that left in my heart!  Hopefully we'll be able to keep in touch in our lives.

I'm still on the edge but meeting a special person like that distracts me from the ground all the way down there...and helps me focus on the next step!

There are no coincidences, are there? 

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