Friday, April 27, 2012


I need to be and do but I feel so much better when I am than when I am busy doing something.

For me, being is a state of mind which I usually achieve when I'm sitting in front of the ocean watching the waves roll one after the other.  Or when I'm just listening to the waves as they break.  Or when I am watching the branches of a tree sway with the wind.  Being to me means that I am in a place of knowing, where ideas come easily and things fall into place on their own.   Effortlessly.  Nature is the best place for me to be.  I also meditate every morning and, depending on the meditation I'm doing, I am able to get to that place of knowing.

Other than that, there is so much noise and so many distractions around me!  Whether it's the television,  people talking loudly, or cars and buses on the street - it's hard to be in a quiet place.  The paradox is that this quiet place I am seeking is really within me.  It is just challenging to get to that place.  Drawing from it is what gives me peace as well as inspiration.  In addition to the noise and distractions,  other competing forces are the many things I must do.  Applying to jobs as I am doing requires identifying those jobs, writing a meaningful letter to go along my CV, making sure that the CV is consistent with what the job requires since my experience is both broad and specific, and that I have enough food in the refrigerator to eat while I'm working on this.  It's definitely a full time job.  I also focus on going to the gym and taking a walk by the ocean to stay mentally and physically healthy.

I keep a list of things to do and this list includes both personal and professional actions that I must execute.  Making a list is a good way to get things done except the list never ends, a few things on the list may be eliminated as they get done but other things replace them.  I tell myself that the mundane things in life must be done in order to have the luxury to be.

The part of doing that is very fulfilling is when I create.  The work that I love doing is to create answers to the world's problems.  It's rare to get the opportunity to do that in a job unless one creates a company - which I am thinking about doing.  In the meantime, I create when I write this blog.  I apologize to my readers that the posts are not always crisp and well polished - I choose to write when I am working through a specific issue as that is the purpose of the blog.  With all the other things I must do, I only spend a few minutes writing.

It's a constant struggle.  I'd rather be and know in my world where everything makes sense.  But to be part of this planet means I also must do.   As long as I can create while I am doing, my life will always be fulfilling and meaningful.  


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