Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Whenever I resist something it is torturous for me.  I do much better when I let whatever it is - even if on the surface I don't want it - to come in, accept it and deal with it.  I do even better when I observe the situation like a journalist would so that my emotions are not in high gear and the process is much smoother.  In some ways I should have been a reporter, I love to step back and report on things versus getting emotionally involved in the drama of life.  I try to take on that role whenever I can.

Resisting only means I am fighting against something that is already present in my life.  In the case of an issue with another person, my preference is to avoid conflict.  However, there is a way to accept what is going on without participating in a negative dance with the other person.  For example, my brother is moving to New York from Europe.  He gets nervous and sometimes a little manic about everything.  Rather than try to change his way of thinking about things, I give him my opinion when asked and then I let it go.  He has to go through his own experience of moving to New York.  He's made some rash decisions he regrets but overall, he's doing well and feeling in control which is important to him.
Therefore, I yield to his ways.  I am not trying to convince him about anything unless I believe it's detrimental to him.  And even then, I try to influence him but not to convince him.

I initially titled this post Always...but one should exercise good judgment as to when to yield and not to yield.  Obviously, if you are being mistreated by a boyfriend or girlfriend or by a colleague...one should not yield.  One should speak up to stop this behavior in a non-confrontational but decisive way.

What I am consciously not doing now is thinking about making a decision about Brazil versus New York.  As I explained in my post Leap of Faith on April 15th, I may need to make such a choice in a couple of months.  For the moment, I am playing out the New York card at its fullest.  In reality, that is what makes sense as I haven't exhausted all possibilities in New York yet.

It would be wonderful not to have to think of any of that but then, I would be living someone else's life.  My life is unsettled and uncertain at the moment.  As much as I would like to resist it, it's an inescapable truth.  To me, playing the New York card at its fullest is exploring possibilities I didn't want to explore.  I am being as proactive as possible.   What good would complaining about it do?  Or why would I spend too much energy feeling sorry for myself?  

 So I yield. 


  1. Ah, Lao Tzu. The person who puts themself behind, steps ahead. They that yield, win. The still is the lord of the restless.

  2. Beautiful. Thank you for adding that reference.
